Monday, May 31, 2010

More weather driving pics.

Too bad the iPhone has the world's worst camera in it.

-- Post From My iPhone

Happy little clouds.

Some shots of the sky taken with my iPhone as I eas driving to work.

Oh no! Dude forgot to finish blending the dark clouds in this one.

-- Post From My iPhone

Sweet earrings. And my Wacom tablet.

4 gig USB drives i turned into earrings...
$12 at therefore $12at Best Buy brick and mortar stores if you ask them to pricematch.

And my new addiction, the Wacom Intuos4 tablet and stylus. So much fun!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Voltorb - SHINY!

I asked people to suggest simple to draw pokemans, and my friend Wil-- err, I mean Scotty told me to do Voltorb.

I was halfway done when I decided I wanted to make it blue instead of red. I asked Scotty if this would be an abomination (I know absolutely nothing about pokemon) and he said there might be a shiny version that would be a different color. He looked into it and reported back to me that it WAS blue. So here you go.

I don't know if I have crossed a line with the fat lip and eyebrow? I actually don't even know if that black line is intended to be a mouth at all, but whatever.


-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, May 24, 2010


Here is the latest in my Intuos tablet vs. pokemans project:

Thanks for the suggestion, Kurt!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tablet Fun and PokeMon

I can't draw, at least nothing remotely realistic. Trying to draw with my thumb holding down the left mouse clicker and using my finger as a pen on a shitty unresponsive laptop track pad just exacerbates the lack of natural talent and makes me want to pout. Or shout.

So yeah, I finally broke down and bought myself a Wacom tablet and have been having fun playing with it for the last few hours in between random work related tasks.

It's awesome. There is definitely a learning curve, which is where pokemans come in! I am going to teach myself to draw-paint digiart... whatever you call it, by drawing pokemans! PokeMon?

Right, Pocket Monsters. Okay. I know nothing about them. Nothing. Don't expect me to tell you who would win a fight between Onyx and Charmeleon because I don't know. I don't care. I couldn't tell you if I wanted to!

But, I will draw some and post them here for you to look at. I will even sign them, because now that I have a tablet, i am an artist! True story!

No sass! But send me pics of your favorite monsters and I may try to doodle them sometime!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Taboo Instruction Sheet.

For anyone unfamiliar... here is the original instruction sheet for Taboo.

Check those hairstyles, man!

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Catholic Boy

"Catholic Boy" by Jim Carroll

I was born in a pool, they made my mother stand
And I spat on that surgeon and his trembling hand
When I felt the light I was worse than bored
I stole the doctor's scalpel and I slit the cord

I was a Catholic boy
I was redeemed through pain
Not through joy

I was two months early, they put me under glass
I screamed and cursed at children when their nurses passed
I was convicted of theft as I slipped from the womb
They led me straight from my mother to a cell in the Tombs

I was a Catholic boy
I was redeemed through pain
Not through joy

They starved me for weeks, they thought they'd teach me fear
I fed on cellmates' dreams, it gave me fine ideas
When they cut me loose, the time had served me well
I made allies in heaven, I made comrades in hell

I was a Catholic child
The blood ran red
The blood ran wild

I make angels dance and drop to their knees
When I enter a church the feet of statues bleed
I understand the fate of all my enemies
Just like Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane

I was a Catholic boy
I was redeemed through pain
An not through joy

I watched the sweetest psalm stolen by our choir
I dreamed of martyrs' bones hanging from a wire
I make a contribution, I get absolution
I make a resolution to purify my soul

I'm a Catholic boy
Redeemed through pain
Not through joy

And they can't touch me now
I got every sacrament behind me
I got baptism, I got penance
I got communion, I got extreme unction
Man, I've got confirmation

I was a Catholic boy
Redeemed through pain
And not through joy

And now I'm a Catholic man
I put my tongue to the rail whenever I can