Saturday, August 28, 2010

My lucky numbers prevail.

~ (iPhone post) Please blame my tools.

Press 314159265358 for Engrish?

I love stuff like this. I don't know why, but it makes me giggle. Tip: it helps to read it out loud.

~ (iPhone post) Please blame my tools.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Phon or ipod support tabs.

Here is another neat little sugru project.

¶¶It tuuk took three minutes to create, but already it has saved me more than three hours of aggrevation!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.5.2

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do you sugru? I do!

My phones on sugru. Or sugru on my phones.
My introduction to sugru was a dozen packets of various colors, called the

This stuff was sent to me for free because of my contributions to
You should check out both, if you haven't already.

These are just few of the nifty hacks I've used sugru, for.
I made custom anti-shock skins for my iPhone and my Samsung Captivate

The stuff is pretty awesome. It feels like play dough but dries like rubber.

My friend Debi asked me to make one for her Captivate.

She is a writer and asked me to do a tome and quill thing.
I'm no sculptor, but I did my best. Hey, at least she didn't insist on a dragon! She would have ended up with something like TROGDOR!

I also modified my laptop riser stand to more securely hold my laptop in place.
Before it would start to slide off if it got jiggled or jostled even a little bit.
The stand was clearly not intended to support this 17.3" monster.

Thanks to a single packet of sugru it is ideal!
Now I think it will stay put, even through a major earthquake.
Too bad I can't confidently say the same for my entire state. :(

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Do You VooDoo?

Rupa do.

This is a poppet I made, one in a series I named "Broken-hearted Babies".

It is impotant to note that they Jane horrible little rat- tails that change their expression from one of sorrow to one of anguish when pulled. Yes, versatility was my goal, ang I feel rather good about the results.

~ (iPhone post) Please blame my tools.

Monday, August 9, 2010

He REALLY not a baby no more!

Dominic went to New York to visit our family and so I didn't see him for almost two weeks. He has grown and changed a lot in that seemingly short time!

~ (iPhone post) Please blame my tools.