Friday, July 16, 2010


It's the way things have to be.

These symmetry games are obviously played for combined points if points mean anything to you--they don't to me, I play word games for the letters, not the numbers.
I thought of playing a symmetrical game after we had already begun, so it was doomed from the start. But a good warm-up. I had this grand plan to swoop in and spoil the board with DIVA at the end, but then I used mt D for another move and so sadly it had to be VICAR. Not nearly as dramatic.

Our second game went well until the last couple of moves--we had a plan for SOW under QUAVER to match LAS under LENGTH but I forgot and put the H for OH and AH under FARM... and planned to play my M in the same spot opposite, creating OM and OD under WHOA... but the S was in place and so I spoiled the game. :(

Our third symmetry game went quite well, don't you think?