Thursday, July 29, 2010

...and she doesn't (the) afraid of anything. Ever.

What?! I thought it was cute. And I always did like the shoe piece, as a tiny sculpture or a charm for a bracelet (yes, I made a charm bracelet out of all the pieces I could get my hands on once).

As for the game? I preferred to play the iron. I also kinda liked the wheel burrow. Also the top hat and thimble were cute. I had to drill holes in those for the bracelet. Pain in the ass.

I would sometimes play the car, but that was only when I was in a mean mood and wanted to leave my brother with no alternative but to play the dog.

You Are the Shoe.

Great for getting just about anywhere.
Particularly good for kicking the dog.

You are adventurous and free spirited.
You are confident that you can do almost anything,
and you are never the afraid.

You are a hard worker and quite stubborn.
You are willing to put in long hours to achieve your goal.

You never give up, even when things get difficult.
You are very tough.

You're the type of person who wants to conquer the whole world, and you know it begins one step at a time.

...and she doesn't (the) afraid of anything. Ever.

What?! I thought it was cute. And I always did like the shoe piece, as a tiny sculpture or a charm for a bracelet (yes, I made a charm bracelet out of all the pieces I could get my hands on once).

As for the game? I preferred to play the iron. I also kinda liked the wheel burrow. Also the top hat and thimble were cute. I had to drill holes in those for the bracelet. Pain in the ass.

I would sometimes play the car, but that was only when I was in a mean mood and wanted to leave my brother with no alternative but to play the dog.

You Are the Shoe.
Great for getting just about anywhere.
Particularly good for kicking the dog.
You are a hard worker and quite stubborn. You are willing to put in long hours to achieve your goal.

You never give up, even when things get difficult. You are very tough.

You are adventurous and free spirited. You are confident that you can do almost anything, and you are never the afraid.

You're the type of person who wants to conquer the whole world. And you know it begins one step at a time.

Friday, July 23, 2010

All the way and back again!

So yeah, I'm playing one of my word games today, and this came up! A reference to the double rainbow guy! I was so amused I forgot I was supposed to ne playing and just started giggling!

iPhone post.

It's like Fisher-Price stuff, for people!

Target has these crazy, fat plastic carts now, that just seem like oversized toddler toys--and baskets to match!

Spiffy, huh? The employees who have to go wrangle them back inside hate them, by the way.

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, July 16, 2010


It's the way things have to be.

These symmetry games are obviously played for combined points if points mean anything to you--they don't to me, I play word games for the letters, not the numbers.
I thought of playing a symmetrical game after we had already begun, so it was doomed from the start. But a good warm-up. I had this grand plan to swoop in and spoil the board with DIVA at the end, but then I used mt D for another move and so sadly it had to be VICAR. Not nearly as dramatic.

Our second game went well until the last couple of moves--we had a plan for SOW under QUAVER to match LAS under LENGTH but I forgot and put the H for OH and AH under FARM... and planned to play my M in the same spot opposite, creating OM and OD under WHOA... but the S was in place and so I spoiled the game. :(

Our third symmetry game went quite well, don't you think?

Sonic is borrring.

Apparently, because he was loud and animated a minute before he started playing Sonic on youtubes.

-- Post From My iPhone

What does it mean?!

A full on double rainbow in my neighbor's yard!

A full on double rainbow in my neighbor's yard!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yum. Blackberries!

Dominic and I were blackberrying four at least an hour today in my yard

Double, triple, quadruple blackberries! full on blackberries! All rhe way! Enough to make at least a few pies!!! Right in my own backyard! Whoa! Oh my god! What does it mean?! Please tell me what it means.

-- Post From My iPhone