Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wedding Photo

Went to a wedding today.
It was at a Lutheran Church in Berkeley.

Here is a photo I took there.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Another gadget

Just got this mini switch to use in my bedroom and it works so well I have ordered two more! One will go in the living room for the TiVo and Wii and whichever computers we have running out there. The other one will go in my laptop bag for work and other situations where there is a single drop and no wireless. Pretty nifty, plug-n-play, and at a bit over half the size of my TiVo remote, it's very portable!

Trendnet's 5-port 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet Switch

Available online for less than twenty bucks, U.S.

~ (iPhone post) Please blame my tools.

Upside-down rainbow...

All the way across my ceiling!
This is what I saw when I awoke today.
I searched for the origin to no avail. I have no prisms or anything of the sort in my windows. As a matter of fact, my windows have wooden blinds in them, which I keep closed until I get up, so this was a mystery!

~ (iPhone post) Please blame my tools.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Straight, Jelly Belly Chaser.

Insulated freezer martini shaker is cute but only works for two or three drinks before you need to add ice or refreeze.

Nifty bottle cap bag closer thing is perfect for nuts and small sweets

~ (iPhone post) Please blame my tools.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Pork Jelly Belly Bounty

Black licorice and red hot cinnamon Jelly Belly beans.

Each pork rind was easily large enough to make a regulation American football, if the skins had been tanned rather than fried. Yummy down on that!

~ (iPhone post) Please blame my tools.